Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Love is Patient

"Arise my love, my fair one, and come away..." - Song of Solomon 2:13

It's what I like to call "Princess Syndrome", and is a common affliction amongst Christian girls. As we grow in our faith and start to become women, the need for a prince on a white stallion to whisk us away and promptly marry us grows exponentially. We all go through it, and the impatience in waiting for our destined knight in shining armor increases extremely fast.

I could go in to immense detail over why this is, but it really comes down to one fact: we will always be in need of a man (or in some cases a woman, but that's another matter). It's part of our curse as the 'fairer' of the sexes and goes back to the infamous Eve in Genesis, and the original sin of humanity.
When Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, they committed the original sin, and with that sin God bestowed on all of us curses. For men it's harder to grow stuff.
Women? "In pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband and he shall rule over you," (Gen. 3:16).

Lame, I know, but this is the root of us girls needing a guy. We have a desire for a husband that is a part of being a woman, a part of our very identity as a female.

Some girls will ask "but why is it wrong to have a boyfriend then?" I hear from a lot of friends involved in youth that this is a constant question from the young ladies, and isn't a surprise. Many people have different ideas on why this is, and how some girls have different reasons, but our curse is the reason.

However, this 'reason' does NOT mean that we should jump up and go out with the first pretty boy that catches our eye, girls. God is constantly redeeming us of our curse (the original sin and His punishments) through our Prince, Jesus Christ. Our need for someone to fill that role of husband is a constant need but it will only be properly filled by the right person at the right time who is chosen by our Father King.
We all have our moments thinking it's the right time and the right guy, but we have to be careful. A popular Superchick song goes "You found him is what you say and we all want you to feel that way, but the frog you've got seems cute enough to kiss and maybe frogs seem like that's all there is." We have to be careful, guard our hearts and wait for the right guy because they may all say that they are a prince, but there is someone waiting out there for you and you must take your time otherwise you might just end up having kissed a slimy amphibian.

There is no need to rush into romance. All the young celebrities are dating, and it seems like all the girls at school have a 'boyfriend', but that's not you. We as Christians are not followers of society, and we as Christian women are not to be followers of what society says is normal for relationships and romance. I have only met one couple in my entire life that started dating in high school and are still together, my parents. All of their friends that dated in high school either broke up by graduation or got divorced less than three years into marriage.

Is that what you want? Or do you want to save your precious treasure of a heart for someone who is worthy of it and live happily ever after? Don't go for that frog that's standing at your window claiming to be a prince, because your prince is on the way in all his white-horse-riding, gorgeous prince-ness. He just may take a little longer to battle his way to his waiting princess.

"I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or the wild does: do not stir up or awaken love until it is ready!" - Song of Solomon 3:5

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